
Yoga is a practice that integrates the body, the mind and the soul. It leads us back to the beautiful beings that we are. The longer I teach, the longer I practice, I realize that this gorgeous practice is simply an exploration of what it means to be human. To feel how we feel.  On and off the mat. Understanding that it is all necessary; the ups, the downs, the in-betweens.

I welcome you to join me on the mat. To breathe - to move - to create space - to practice acceptance - to find stillness. My classes are purposeful, creative and balanced - with a bit of sweetness, intellect and humor woven in. I teach from my heart; to groups and individuals, adults and children, able-bodied and those with disabilities/differences. We are all human and we are all connected.

Feel free to reach out via the contact me link or my email: with private yoga inquiries or with any questions.
I look forward to practicing with you soon.

From my heart and my light to yours,